Parents/Guardians to complete the Child Health Declaration Form before sending the child to school. Teacher/ Staff to ensure the weekly declaration form complete fill out and has no problem found (which include no contact with PUS/PUI and no symptoms) before coming to school.
Parents/Guardian are to scan MySejahtera at the entrance holding area of the school during ‘drop off’ and ‘pick up’ time. Parents/Guardian to show their MySejahtera status, and profile page are updated daily for teacher checking. Only students with Low Risk status is allowed to enter the school. All students to wear their face masks and face shields before getting off from the car.
Teacher to scan and record students’ temperature (temperature to be below 37.5 Celsius), also check on students mouth, nose, hand and foot(any flu, cough, sore throat or symptoms of HFMD) before entering the school. (This is our practise even before Covid-19, for safety of our children)
Students to wash their hand before the entering the Learning Zone.
Staff and Children to wear a mask and face shield at all times. Parents to provide face mask and face shield for their own child use.
Teacher and staff to complete the weekly Health Declaration Form. School Staff shall check the health declaration form and ensure that it is safe for the staff to come to work. Being safe means no contact with PUS/PUI and no symptoms, before coming to work.
All Staff are to scan MySejahtera at the entrance of the school. Only staff with MySejahtera profile updated with low risk status only then to be allowed to enter our school.
Check and record Staff temperature before entering (temperature must be below 37.5 Celsius)
In additional, teacher and staff will do the weekly RTK Antigen Self-test on every Sunday to ensure the health of the staff and especially to enhance the safety for our students as well.
Students queue with social distancing according to the provided markings and stickers on the floor as guidance.
Classroom teacher to check students temperature during break time. Teacher to stay alert and always monitor student making sure there are no new symptoms arise. During class dismissal, teacher will need to lead the children to the waiting area with social distancing. Teacher to clean and sanitise the classroom twice per day.
All staff and children returning from outside Sarawak are required to quarantine themselves for 14 days or as per existing requirements from the government. Parents are required to inform the school if the child is living in a household with a member who is on quarantine. School Staff need to contact the parents immediately, if their students did not come to school to check on their absence.
Visitors may visit the school only on Saturday with an appointment beforehand. The visitors are limit to 1 parent and 1 child to enter at one time. Upon entering the school holding area, visitors are required to fill in their particulars in the visitor log book, scan My Sejahtera, check and record their temperature and sanitize their hands.
An isolation room/bed has been set up in the school. Any unwell student during school hours will be isolated from other students at the sick bay. The school will notify parents immediately to pick up their child to go for check up and parents are required to give feedback to the school on what the child suffered from, for further necessary action.
Maintain 1 metre social distance at all times around the school. Children are in their respective seats during class lesson. Children will have meals in their own classroom. There shall be no sharing of food and eating utensil such as spoons, cup etc. Hands are washed or sanitised frequently, and children put on their mask and face shield at all times. No hand shaking, hugging, high-fives allowed during the pandemic.
Parent – Teacher communication shall be done through Phone, Whatsapp, Communication Book and DingTalk.
We are proud to state that at our school, many of these practices have always been in force, as we have followed
strictly the Singapore system, for many years: